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Create a Newborn Sleep Routine that Actually Works!

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Are you looking for ways to help you and your baby get some sleep? 

Those first few weeks can be rough as newborn sleeping patterns typically range from 2-4 hours at a time throughout the day and night (both of mine tend to stick with 2 hour stretches!) 

Here are some simple newborn sleep tips to help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep!

Newborn Sleep Tips: Simple ways to help your newborn get on a routine and sleep through the night. Ideas on how to calm and sooth your baby in the evening. Strategies to help your baby nap. Ideas for self care when you are exhausted!

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Newborn Sleep Advice to Encourage Healthy Sleep Habits

White Noise Reminds Them of the Womb

With both of my children, we have used white noise to help them fall and stay asleep. 

You could use the sound of a fan or a white noise machine (this is the one we have for both our baby and toddler.) 

This has been especially helpful with our second baby as her older brother can be very loud.

This is a great item to add to your baby registry if you’re expecting (you can start one here.)

Swaddling to Feel Secure

Our son needed a full-on swaddle to get to sleep. 

We started out using regular swaddle blankets (like these). 

My husband was a much better swaddler than I so I preferred these snap swaddle blankets which kept him nice and snug.

Our daughter did not like having her arms swaddled so it did not work so well for her. 

I would recommend having a nurse at the hospital show you how to swaddle your baby properly before you leave.  You can check out this guide on how to swaddle if you need some additional help. 

Since my daughter did not like to be swaddled I looked for a different option to keep her snug at night.

Create A Safe Sleep Space

Make sure that your baby has a safe sleep environment. 

They should be on their backs with no blankets or stuffed animals in a crib or bassinet. 

Read about how to create a safe sleep environment HERE

newborn baby sleeping in moms arms

Watch Your Baby’s Sleep Cues 

Letting your baby get overtired can make falling asleep and staying asleep a challenge. 

If they start to fuss and cry because they are tired, then you probably waited too long to put them down to sleep and they may actually fight you when it is time to fall asleep.

Watch for those sleepy cues like rubbing their eyes and yawning to start your sleep routine. 

Learn what your baby’s sleep patterns are so that you can understand your little one better.

Have a Sleep Plan

What is a good newborn sleep schedule? 

I am not sure there is one as every baby is different.

However, there are certain things you can do to help encourage good sleep habits.

With our firstborn, we just went with the flow. 

I didn’t research sleep a ton before he was born because I figured it was something he would just get the hang of on his own.

We spent those first few nights with a baby that wouldn’t sleep more than a 2 hour stretch at night which was to be expected.

At 6 months we were still getting 2-hour stretches. 

At his first birthday… 2-hour stretches continued as we waited for him to “grow out of it.” 

We tried a mix of different tips and tricks that friends and the internet offered with no success. 

My baby not sleeping was really starting to impact my life more than I wanted it to.

In order to avoid the sleepless nights lasting so long we are using a sleep program (you can check it out here) the second time around. 

The program focuses on building healthy sleep habits from the beginning. 

My 6-week-old is already doing some 4 and 5-hour stretches at night so we are already seeing some changes from our firstborn.

Establish a Baby Bedtime Routine

Babies thrive on routine! 

Come to think about it…who doesn’t? 

Babies have little control over their day so knowing what comes next can be very helpful. 

Take some time to build a bedtime routine for your baby. 

Here are some newborn sleep routine tips on things that you could include:

Newborn Baby Bedtime Routine

Keep Your Baby’s Room Dark

Grab some room-darkening curtains (like these) to make baby’s room dark. 

You do not want early morning sunshine creeping in when you are wanting your baby to catch some Z’s. 

After your baby has established day and night this will also be a great choice for nap time.

Have Your Partner Help Cover Nights

Do not try and do the nights alone!

 Sleep deprivation can make you foggy and irritable so I would suggest enlisting your partner to help. 

If your baby is formula fed then take turns with the wake-ups. 

If you have a separate room for your partner to sleep in then take turns covering a full night. 

There is just something magical about getting a whole night of uninterrupted sleep!

If your little one is breastfed then have your partner change the baby’s diaper before your feed them or have them rock the baby to sleep after they have eaten. 

If you are able to pump during the day get a bottle ready for a nighttime feed so you can skip one of them.

Grab Some Coffee

The truth is these first few months are EXHAUSTING. 

 Grab some coffee.

  If you are breastfeeding you can read about how much caffeine is considered safe here. 

It is WAY easier said than done…but try to nap when the baby naps.

Go take a walk or try some yoga to help you wake up a bit. 

Eating healthy food and taking care of yourself will make you feel better as well.

Although the nights are long enjoy the late-night cuddles as much as you can.  It is a phase and this too will come to an end.

Frequently Asked Questions about Newborn Sleep

What is the ideal bedtime routine for a newborn?

An ideal bedtime routine for a newborn baby should involve a calming and soothing environment. I
t should start off with a warm bath, followed by gentle massage and some quiet activities such as reading stories or singing songs.

Parents should also ensure that the room temperature is comfortable and that the baby has on comfortable sleepwear.

After this, adequate swaddling and/or rocking can help settle the baby.
Finally, it is important to establish a regular bedtime for consistency.
This can include dimming the lights, playing soft music, or giving the baby a pacifier to provide comfort before sleep.

With an established routine like this, babies are more likely to fall asleep easily and

How can I settle my newborn when they wake in the night?

When a newborn wakes up during the night, the best way to settle them is by providing a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Begin by keeping the lights low, speaking in a soothing voice, and gently patting the baby’s back or rocking them in your arms.

Your baby may need to eat or have a diaper change so doing these things may settle them as well.

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.

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Baby Sleep Guide: Looking for ideas on how to get your baby to sleep through the night? Try these ideas and strategies to help your baby nap and sleep at night. These tips are perfect for first time moms!

Newborn Sleep Tips: Are you wondering how to get your baby to sleep though the night? Creating healthy newborn sleep habits can be very helpful. Learn about simple ways to help your baby fall asleep for naps and at night. Are you looking for a newborn sleep schedule? Read about ways to support infant sleep from day one!

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Beverly Johnson

Saturday 19th of May 2018

My daughter was always a night-owl, even as a baby. Just a really weird sleep routine and that lasted for years, until she was around 11 or 12 years old and just randomly adopted a 'normal' sleep pattern. It was always a nightmare to get her to sleep early. Basically, the only way was just to wake her up super early and keep her up all day (such as when she was four and five years old); otherwise she just stayed up till midnight. The afternoon nap was our biggest issue. In regards to helping her sleep as a baby, almost nothing worked for that. Later I read that Japanese mothers use a form of baby massage to relax the baby and help him sleep. Wish that I had known about that then.

Kayla ONeill

Saturday 19th of May 2018

The sleep struggles have been one of my biggest challenges as a parent. Beverly, I am sorry to hear that it was a big struggle for you as well. My son sounds similar to your daughter. He seems to require little sleep compared to the other toddlers his age. He has pretty much completely dropped napping at about 2 1/2. If he naps he will not go to bed at night so we have cut naps out and bedtime is much more peaceful. I truly think sleep is just like any other milestone and all kids will meet it differently. I appreciate your comment! :) Hope you are catching up on sleep now!

Jasmine - LoveLifeLaughMotherhood

Monday 7th of May 2018

these are good tips, although nothing worked with my son!

Kayla ONeill

Saturday 19th of May 2018

My son was a tough one as well...still is. I feel like all kids handle sleep differently.


Sunday 6th of May 2018

These are great tips. Having a bedtime routine has been key for my 4 month to sleep through the night.

Kayla ONeill

Saturday 19th of May 2018

Congrats on having your 4 month old sleep through the night! :) Yes I agree bedtime routines are important at any age!

Angela Milnes

Saturday 5th of May 2018

These are some really great tips! I love that there are so many ideas here to help.

Karina @ Lovemade Handmade

Saturday 5th of May 2018

Such great and sound advice! We’re cosleepers and though my babies don’t sleep in their own crib or anything, bedtime routines definitely helped to get them sleeping nice and soundly.

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